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01 October 2023
François-Xavier LUCHT (MiM, 2005)

Appointments - François-Xavier Lucht has been promoted to Director of Transformation, Data and Performance at Crédit agricole Leasing & Factoring, in this position since September 2023.

François-Xavier Lucht has been promoted to Director of Transformation, Data and Performance at Crédit agricole Leasing & Factoring, effective September 2023.
François-Xavier Lucht, Master II Finance - ESCP Business School (2006), has completed the following career path:

* 2017 - 2021 : LCL, Head of retail credit commitments

* 2021 - 2023: Crédit agricole Leasing & Factoring, Director of management, remarketing and commitments

* 2023 : Crédit agricole Leasing & Factoring, Director of Transformation, Data and Performance