Become a Career Expert (including AVARAP)
Would you like to help your Alumni Association?
Here are several options. Choose the ones that are most relevant to you and get in touch!
And if you have other ideas we have not thought about, let us know! Contact the Professional development team by e-mail: or by phone: +33 (0) 1 48 05 46 27
You have specific expertise or a subject that is particularly close to your heart, which does not appear in our offer and want to discover at a conference, workshop or webinar? Let's get in touch!
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Do you have a particular expertise, a subject you're particularly good at, something you love and want to share in a webinar, a conference or a workshop? Please do not hesitate to contact us to offer your skills and expertise: +33 (0)1 48 05 46 27 or email us!