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Promo ESCP 90 : Our 35th anniversary weekend

The Chateauform at Château d'Ecoublay in Fontenay Trésigny

In 2025, it will be 35 years since we graduated from ESCP!

To celebrate, we're getting together for a weekend in the green on September 6 and 7, 2025.


An afternoon, an evening and a morning brunch will allow us to :

  • To have time to get together and chat,
  • enjoy the natural surroundings, and take part in sporting activities for those who wish to do so ,
  • To share our rich experiences and learn from each other, to create an open forum for sharing questions or skills,
  • To live, for a weekend, the life of a castle, to eat well, to drink well (whether alcoholic or not) and to dance in the evening!

The venue will be the Chateauform at Château d'Ecoublay in Fontenay Trésigny.

It'sclose to Paris, Orly and Roissy, it's big enough to bring your spouses, and it'll be an unforgettable experience!


We'll be organizing car pooling to facilitate access and create conversation.


Write to us to let us know if you'd like to help with organization and reminders:

We've also set up a LinkedIn group.

Don't hesitate to sign up: https: //


Start talking about it around you!!!


See you soon,

Bertrand, Anne-Claire, Francis, Nathalie, Valérie, Florence, Marc, Alexis and Emmanuel.

from Saturday 6 September
to Sunday 7 September 2025
16:30 (GMT +1)
Registration deadline : 6th September
Châteauform' Les Prés d'Ecoublay
Château des Prés d'Ecoublay
77610 Fontenay-Trésigny
  • 280 € Weekend 1 person

  • 480 € Weekend 2 persons


Châteauform' Les Prés d'Ecoublay

Château des Prés d'Ecoublay
77610 Fontenay-Trésigny
from Saturday 6 September
to Sunday 7 September 2025
16:30 (GMT +1)
Registration deadline : 6th September
Châteauform' Les Prés d'Ecoublay
Château des Prés d'Ecoublay
77610 Fontenay-Trésigny
  • 280 € Weekend 1 person

  • 480 € Weekend 2 persons

  • 6 registrants
  • Add to my calendar