Digital Committee
The Digital Committee supports the Association in its modernization and innovation strategy, focusing on three key axes:
- Digital transformation: Implementing the necessary technologies to enhance the services provided to the community.
- Development of new offerings: Identifying, designing, and launching new initiatives to enrich the alumni experience.
- Optimization of existing tools: Analyzing and improving current solutions to strengthen member engagement and satisfaction.
The Digital Committee works closely with the Board of Directors to explore topics related to digital innovation and the creation of new offerings and ensures the effective implementation of decisions made.
Its members are selected for their expertise by the Co-Chairs of the Commission. The Commission leads specific projects to address the emerging needs of the community and proposes innovative solutions for alumni. Its challenges and actions are interconnected with the other existing commissions.
Do you have expertise in digitalization, innovation, or are you interested in contributing to the development of new offerings for the network?
Contact the ESCP Alumni Networking team if you would like to become a member of our Committee.
The Digital Committee is co-chaired by Olivier JACOB (ESCP 94) and Laura GELIS (ESCP 94).
Its members are :

Nabil BEHLOUL (European Executive MBA, 2022)
Fondateur et Dirigeant de Blue Olive Impact
Implication ESCP Alumni : Nabil anime le webinar "Osez vous lancer : de l'envie à la réalité entrepreneuriale"
Alumni de l’ESCP Business School avec un Executive MBA en 2022. Ambassadeur de l'Executive MBA de l’ESCP, et membre du Groupe ESCP Alumni Education, Nabil est également titulaire d’un diplôme en Stratégie d’Influence du ministère de l’Économie et des Finances.
Après 20 ans de direction dans les télécoms et les médias, puis plusieurs expériences entrepreneuriales, il a fondé Blue Olive Impact pour accompagner les cadres et entreprises vers une transition durable.
Passionné par l’innovation et la transformation, il aide les professionnels à structurer leurs projets et à créer un impact positif.


Laura GELIS (ESCP, 1994)
CV de Laura GELIS
Highly skilled professional with international experience in the full scope of brand marketing, communication, strategy and innovation. Successful in leading innovative and strategic projects, launching and developing new franchises at an international level, leading local and international teams. Strong digital experience : digital strategy, content strategy, marketing automation Main areas of expertise : Market and consumer insight Brand creation and development, positioning, brand visual identity Brand strategy, marketing strategy, communication strategy Marketing campaigns execution including PR, advertising, CRM Digital & social media strategy, content marketing Team management and development. Management of innovation projects, innovation roadmap. Educational background : Graduated from ESCP, leading French business school - 1994 Institut Français de la Mode (IFM) - post graduate program in management of fashion and luxury Ecole Boulle - interior design ☎ : +33 6 86 60 07 50

Olivier JACOB (ESCP, 1994)
CEO INEA Conseil
Implication ESCP Alumni : Olivier anime les webinaires "Faites grandir votre business" et "Activer le réseau ESCP" >
Après L’Oréal, le BCG et des fonctions de Direction du développement, Olivier a créé Inea Conseil qui aide les entreprises à vendre plus et mieux et les managers à mieux mobiliser leurs collaborateurs. Il anime une équipe de concepteurs pédagogiques, producteurs vidéos, développeurs d’appli de vidéo learning et 40 intervenants coachs/formateurs/conférenciers dont certains issus de ESCP. Il apprécie d’être contacté pour tous projets d’amélioration des compétences en entreprise (formation, coaching, mobilité, création de packs de formation, de videos et d’e-learning) ou pour aider des alumni qui cherchent des conseils.

Philippe LAUPRETE (MS Management des Projets Internationaux, 1992)