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Retail & Consumer Goods Group - Conference on Good and Well

With Yan Bucaille & Nicolas Chabanne

Dear Alumni,

The alumni associations of Danone, L'Oréal, Coca-Cola, Colgate, Henkel, Unilever, P&G, Mars and ESCP are pleased to invite you to an exceptional event featuring :

  • Yann Bucaille, CEO / Founder of Café Joyeux

Yann Bucaille is an entrepreneur committed to social inclusion, and founder of several solidarity initiatives.

After graduating from EM Lyon in 1993, he began his career with Danone, before joining the family business Emeraude, specializing in new energies and the hotel industry.

A major turning point came in 2010, when he and his wife Lydwine decided to devote themselves to community projects. In 2011, they set up the Emeraude Voile Solidaire association in Dinard, offering sea outings to sick, disabled or excluded people.

In 2014, his meeting with Théo, a 20-year-old autistic boy, made him aware of the difficulty of access to employment for people with disabilities. This experience prompted him to set up the first Café Joyeux in Rennes in 2017, an establishment employing people with Down's syndrome or cognitive disorders. Since then, several Cafés Joyeux have opened in France and abroad, promoting a more inclusive society.

He has received several awards for his social commitment, including the Légion d'Honneur in December 2019.

  • Nicolas Chabanne, Manager / Founder of C'est qui le patron ?!

A native of the Vaucluse region of France, Nicolas Chabanne has always been keen to raise awareness and rally as many people as possible around the plight of producers in France.

In 2009, he launched an initiative to promote the work of local farmers, whose photos appear on the packaging of the products they offer, in exchange for 30% extra remuneration (today, it brings together 109 better-remunerated producers under the "Gustatif & Solidaire" collective brand).

In 2013, he initiated "Les Gueules cassées" to combat food waste. It enables fruit and vegetable producers to recycle all their produce, including produce with defects. The initiative met with international success, with the UN singling out the approach and 20 countries replicating the adventure.

In 2016, following a meeting with Bresse producer Martial, he launched "C'est qui le Patron?!", the very first brand created by consumers in support of producers.

This unique conference will be hosted by BFM journalist Cyrielle Hariel on the theme: "Le Bien. Le Bon".

"Can we do good for society and be good for business at the same time?"

Afterwards, we'll extend the evening with a cocktail reception, providing an opportunity to chat with the speakers and meet up with other alumni.

Registration is compulsory and must be completed on our website. Please note that registration closes on April 03, 2025.

We look forward to seeing you there,

YourRetail & Consumer Goods delegates.

Please note that places are very limited and reserved for members of Alumni associations and one guest.

Refunds will no longer be possible after April 01.

ESCP Alumni may publish photos and videos taken during the event in its various communication media (brochures, newsletters, articles, magazine, social media, websites, etc.).If you do not wish to be filmed or photographed, please let us know by e-mail( before the event.

Thursday 10 April 2025
18:15 (GMT +1)
Registration deadline : 3rd April
ESCP - Champerret Campus
8 Avenue de la Porte de Champerret
75017 Paris
  • 35 € ESCP graduates
    ESCP students

  • 50 € Non-contributing ESCP graduates


ESCP - Champerret Campus

8 Avenue de la Porte de Champerret
75017 Paris
Thursday 10 April 2025
18:15 (GMT +1)
Registration deadline : 3rd April
ESCP - Champerret Campus
8 Avenue de la Porte de Champerret
75017 Paris
  • 35 € ESCP graduates
    ESCP students

  • 50 € Non-contributing ESCP graduates

  • 29 registrants
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