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Groupe Santé - International innovation & health symposium

Cross-Atlantic Visions

The ESCP Alumni Santé Group and its partners are delighted to welcome you to an international symposium on innovation and health.

In a world where healthcare research plays a crucial role in meeting societal challenges, innovations in medicine, biotechnology and digital health are multiplying. They are the fruit of interactions between a wide range of players: healthcare professionals, innovative startups, academic researchers and industry.

In France, Canada and the United States, these worlds are working together in unique ways, producing solutions that are redefining care, prevention and personalized medicine. However, it is essential to promote dialogue between these ecosystems to encourage the dissemination of best practices, identify synergies and strengthen the impact of innovations on an international scale.

This conference, organized in partnership with the Cercle France-Amériques, offers an ideal platform for constructive exchanges between players in healthcare research and innovation.

It will be a unique opportunity to bring together diverse perspectives on innovations in healthcare, and contribute to strengthened collaboration between the academic, industrial and start-up worlds in France and across the Atlantic. It is part of the International Innovation & Healthcare Conference series, a dynamic exchange of ideas and experience that is essential for shaping the future of healthcare research.

Conference objectives :

  • Encourage interdisciplinary and international meetings
  • Promote feedback
  • Stimulate collaborative innovation
  • Anticipate future challenges
  • Welcome from 2:30 pm
  • 3pm-4.30pm: Round table 1 "New frontiers in healthcare research: transatlantic perspectives".
  • 4.30pm-5pm: Break
  • 5:00-6:30pm: Round table 2 "Collaboration between startups, manufacturers and doctors: success stories and lessons learned".
  • 6.30pm-8pm: Cocktail networking

Moderator: Nada Nadif, International consultant in healthcare strategy and innovation

We look forward to welcoming you,
Nada Nadif (EMS 15), Groupe Santé delegate.
Monday 28 April 2025
15:00 - 20:00 (GMT +1)
France-Americas Circle
9 avenue Franklin D.Roosevelt
75008 Paris

France-Americas Circle

9 avenue Franklin D.Roosevelt
75008 Paris
Monday 28 April 2025
15:00 - 20:00 (GMT +1)
France-Americas Circle
9 avenue Franklin D.Roosevelt
75008 Paris
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