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Centre-Val de Loire GROUP

Guided tour of the Grand Monarque followed by Dinner

Hello everyone,

I'd like to invite you to our next meeting of ESCP Alumnis in the Centre-Val de Loire region.

After Blois, Orléans and Tours, I'd like to invite you to Chartres at the start of the new year.

Sébastien Pré will present Florent d'Illiers (circa 1395-1475), knight, captain of Châteaudun and Nogent-le-Rotrou, bailiff of Chartres, advisor and chamberlain to King Charles VII and Duke Charles d'Orléans. He will present his archival research and document analysis in the context of the second phase of the Hundred Years' War (1415-1453) and the Civil War (1407-1435).

We'll also be accompanied by a tour guide and treated to a delicious dinner at a local restaurant (we're in the process of booking at Le Grand Monarque).

These exchanges will be followed by dinner at the Grand Monarque.

Please note that registration is free, but the cost of dinner is your responsibility.

I suggest we meet on Thursday March 20 at 6.30pm in front of the Grand Monarque: 22 Place des Epars, 28000 Chartres.

Please confirm your attendance as soon as possible, so that we can organize the event as efficiently as possible. Please return before March 1.

Looking forward to seeing you!

Pierre Breysse (MS 18), Delegate for the Centre-Val de Loire Group.

Please note that the total number of places is limited.

Refunds will no longer be possible 48 hours before the event.

ESCP Alumni may publish photos and videos taken during the event in its various communication media (brochures, newsletters, articles, magazine, social media, websites, etc.).If you do not wish to be filmed or photographed, please let us know by e-mail( before the event.

Thursday 20 March 2025
18:00 (GMT +1)
Registration deadline : 19th March
Before the Grand Monarque
22 Place des Epars
28000 Chartres
  • 10 € Payment on site

  • 60 € Guided tour & Dinner (without wine)


Before the Grand Monarque

22 Place des Epars
28000 Chartres

Additional information (parking, underground, etc.)

In front of the Royal Gate (under the 2 towers)

Thursday 20 March 2025
18:00 (GMT +1)
Registration deadline : 19th March
Before the Grand Monarque
22 Place des Epars
28000 Chartres
  • 10 € Payment on site

  • 60 € Guided tour & Dinner (without wine)

  • 2 registrants
  • Add to my calendar