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Sales & Business Development Group - Round Table

From marketing to sales: how can we succeed together?

The Sales & Development Group is pleased to invite you to its next round table:

From marketing to sales: how can we succeed together?

  • How can marketing and sales messages be aligned?
  • How can sales deliver the company's value proposition?
  • How can marketing deliver leads valued by sales?
  • Marketing and sales alignment in the age of AI: Towards augmented collaboration (or augmented intelligence)

To answer all these questions, we will be delighted to welcome :

  • Jérome Freytag (MiM 03), who will share with us his B2B and B2C experience as CEO of Victoria bijoux and consultant in business transformation. He will discuss 2 concrete cases and their lessons learned.
  • Frédéric Martin (ESCP 94), an AI expert in development, will shed light on the new opportunities offered by AI for developers and how to seize them.
  • Christian Neff, founder and managing director of Markentive (12 years' experience), a Hubspot elite partner, will share his experience of the digital methods and tools needed for effective marketing/sales alignment to develop business.

This event will be hosted by one of your delegates: Olivier Jacob (ESCP 94), founder and CEO of Inéa Conseil, which helps companies sell more and better through tailor-made training programs. Olivier is also the author of "Faites grandir votre business : tous les secrets pour multiplier les contacts... et les clients".

This event will provide an opportunity to relaunch the group, and will be accompanied by a cocktail reception.

We look forward to welcoming you,

Olivier Jacob (ESCP 94),

Group Sales & Business Development Delegate.

Thursday 17 October 2024
18:15 - 21:00 (GMT +2)
Registration deadline : 17th October
ESCP - Champerret Campus
6-8 Avenue de la Porte de Champerret
75017 Paris
  • 10 € Graduate members
    Graduates annual members (visio)
    Non-member graduates (visio)
    Outside (visio)

  • 20 € Non-member graduates

  • Free ESCP students
    Graduates with lifetime membership (visio)
    ESCP students (visio)


ESCP - Champerret Campus

6-8 Avenue de la Porte de Champerret
75017 Paris
Thursday 17 October 2024
18:15 - 21:00 (GMT +2)
Registration deadline : 17th October
ESCP - Champerret Campus
6-8 Avenue de la Porte de Champerret
75017 Paris
  • 10 € Graduate members
    Graduates annual members (visio)
    Non-member graduates (visio)
    Outside (visio)

  • 20 € Non-member graduates

  • Free ESCP students
    Graduates with lifetime membership (visio)
    ESCP students (visio)

  • 36 registrants
  • Add to my calendar