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Groupe Industrie- Conference-debate "What sovereignty and economic competitiveness for France and Europe?

With Laurent Giovachini & Arnaud Coustillière

The ESCP Alumni Industry Group is pleased to invite you to a conference/debate on May 15, 2025: "What sovereignty and economic competitiveness for France and Europe?

At a time of geopolitical struggles and arrangements, and questions about the financial solidity and solidarity of companies and governments alike, we need to rethink the notions of strategic autonomy and sovereignty, which are often viewed through our own lenses, in a European space united in diversity through complementary skills and know-how. But beyond technological innovation and added value, we also need to define the right business models and project management to make the difference in the short, medium and long term in international competition and in strengthening the French and European industrial offer, particularly in the digital and defense sectors, with their many civilian ramifications.

To enlighten us, we are pleased to welcome two panelists who will share their expertise and answer your questions during the session or at the cocktail reception following the conference:

  • Laurent GIOVACHINI, Ingénieur Général de l'Armement Hors Classe (2S)

Laurent Giovachini is an alumnus of the Ecole Polytechnique and a top-ranking engineer general in the French armaments industry. He has been a member of several ministerial cabinets (including Lionel Jospin's at Matignon), deputy to the Délégué général pour l'armement, managing director of CS Systèmes d'Information and deputy managing director of Sopra Steria. He is currently Chairman of the Syntec federation, co-chairman of the Medef's Economic Sovereignty and Security Commission, and Chairman of the Board of Directors of ENSTA. He is the author of two books: L'armement français au XXème siècle and Les nouveaux chemins de la croissance.

  • Arnaud COUSTILLIERE, Vice Admiral (2S)

Arnaud Coustillière is a former student of the Ecole Navale and Vice Admiral (2S). After a maritime career commanding several ships, he specialized in digital technology, in particular cyber defense for the French Ministry of the Armed Forces, creating the Cyber Command (COMCYBER), then the DGNUM, in charge of digital transformation. He is now Chairman of the Pole d'Excellence cyber, an ecosystem co-founded in 2014 by MINARM and the Brittany region to support the development of an innovative national cyber posture with a European vocation. He is the author of the book "Soldat de la Cyberguerre".

The conference will be moderated by François CHARLES (MS 96), Commissaire des armées (Ret), economist, Chairman of I.R.C.E and NOVIAL Institute, Senior Fellow ESCP, MSA.
Following the conference, we will continue our discussions over cocktails.

We look forward to seeing many of you,

François Charles (MS 96)

Please note: the total number of places is limited .

Please note that the number of student places is limited!

To join the waiting list, please send an e-mail to

Refunds will no longer be possible 48 hours before the event.

ESCP Alumni may publish photos and videos taken during the event in its various communication media (brochures, newsletters, articles, magazine, social media, websites, etc.).If you do not wish to be filmed or photographed, please let us know by e-mail( before the event.

Thursday 15 May 2025
18:00 (GMT +1)
Registration deadline : 14th May
ESCP - Montparnasse Campus
8 Avenue de la Porte de Champerret
75017 Paris
  • Free ESCP students

  • 10 € Non-contributing ESCP students

  • 15 € ESCP graduates

  • 30 € Non-contributing ESCP graduates

  • 35 € Outdoor


ESCP - Montparnasse Campus

8 Avenue de la Porte de Champerret
75017 Paris
Thursday 15 May 2025
18:00 (GMT +1)
Registration deadline : 14th May
ESCP - Montparnasse Campus
8 Avenue de la Porte de Champerret
75017 Paris
  • Free ESCP students

  • 10 € Non-contributing ESCP students

  • 15 € ESCP graduates

  • 30 € Non-contributing ESCP graduates

  • 35 € Outdoor

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