Notebook / Appointments
Viewed 16 times
23 November 2024
Charlotte Rieussec
Appointments - Charlotte Rieussec has been promoted to Catering Purchasing Manager for Metro Cash & Carry France, a position she has held since October 2024.
Charlotte Rieussec is promoted to Catering Purchasing Director for Metro Cash & Carry France, in this position since October 2024.
Charlotte Rieussec is promoted to Catering Purchasing Director for Metro Cash & Carry France, in this position since October 2024. Charlotte Rieussec, ESCP Business School (2020), Diplôme d'ingénieur - UniLaSalle (2010), Master 2 d'Aptitude à l'Administration des Entreprises - Université de Picardie Jules-Verne (2010), has completed the following career path:
* 2024: Metro Cash & Carry France, Catering Purchasing Manager
* 2010 - 2012: Auchan Retail, Sales and Procurement Manager Fruit and Vegetables - SCOFEL
* 2014 - 2021 : Metro Cash & Carry France, Senior Category Manager for Savory Products
* 2021 - 2024: Metro Cash & Carry France, Charcuterie purchasing group manager
Charlotte Rieussec is promoted to Catering Purchasing Director for Metro Cash & Carry France, in this position since October 2024. Charlotte Rieussec, ESCP Business School (2020), Diplôme d'ingénieur - UniLaSalle (2010), Master 2 d'Aptitude à l'Administration des Entreprises - Université de Picardie Jules-Verne (2010), has completed the following career path:
* 2024: Metro Cash & Carry France, Catering Purchasing Manager
* 2010 - 2012: Auchan Retail, Sales and Procurement Manager Fruit and Vegetables - SCOFEL
* 2014 - 2021 : Metro Cash & Carry France, Senior Category Manager for Savory Products
* 2021 - 2024: Metro Cash & Carry France, Charcuterie purchasing group manager