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15 July 2022
Nicolas ETHEVENIN (European Executive MBA, 2015)

Appointments - Nicolas Ethevenin has been appointed Vice President Product at Preligens, a position he has held since May 2022. Nicolas reports directly to Arnaud Guérin, President and co-founder. He is responsible for ensuring the strategic coherence, technical vision

Nicolas Ethevenin has been appointed Vice President Product at Preligens, a position he has held since May 2022. Nicolas reports directly to Arnaud Guérin, President and co-founder. He is responsible for ensuring strategic coherence, technical vision and rapid product development, in cooperation with the AI teams and software experts.
Nicolas Ethevenin, EMBA - ESCP Business School (2015), engineering diploma - Polytech Marseille (2004), DEUG MIAS - Université d'Aix-Marseille (2001), has completed the following career path:

* 2018 - 2019 : E2open France, Global product manager Customs

* 2019 - 2022 : E2open France, Director product management for customs

* 2021 - 2022: E2open France, Vice president product management for global trade

* 2022 : Preligens, Vice-president product management for global trade